Buy your Travel Tips here https://amzn.to/2Hset75
Thinking about travelling in Australia?
Considering a gap year Down Under?
Looking for advice on how to live and work in Oz?
This book is for you!
A one stop shop on how to get the most from your Australian travels, this book is a great addition to your travel library or gift for those about to head down under to work, travel, live, backpack or gap year.
Written by someone who has done just what you are considering, this book is full of all the most important things I learnt or wished I had known before my year in Australia so that you have a head start on having a trip of a lifetime.
50 Travel Tips also has some friendly advice from my backpacking friends and fellow travellers so you get the maximum pre-trip planning information possible.
50 Travel Tips includes:
Pre-trip planning tips
What to do on arrival Down Under
Accommodation options and how to find them
Tips for finding work
How to plan your travels around Australia
What to do in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, The Centre and Outback, the Top End, Cairns, Cape Tribulation, East Coast, Brisbane, West Coast, Adelaide and Tasmania
An Aussie animal and food bucket list
Christmas and New Year Down Under
Planning for your return
Advice from fellow travellers
Don’t miss out, buy your copy here https://amzn.to/2Hset75